Shayne Baker DProf, OAM – Australia

Shayne Baker OAM is an experienced practitioner, researcher, and advocate for water safety and drowning prevention. He has been involved in these efforts at local, national, and international levels since his youth. Throughout his career, he has worked as a professional educator in vocational education and higher education, a volunteer beach lifeguard, and a lifesaving sports official. Shayne is committed to lifelong learning, which has enabled him to develop extensive knowledge in drowning prevention. He actively contributes by presenting at workshops and conferences and has also been involved in initiatives such as online learning webinars for survival swimming and water safety teachers, as well as flood disaster response. Additionally, he collaborates with organizations such as the RNLI and the WHO in low- and middle-income settings to support drowning prevention opportunities. As an active contributor and honorary member of several lifesaving organizations, Shayne also participates in ongoing research and publication, working with public health professionals to explore and document initiatives and insights into drowning prevention around the world.
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