Young Researcher Award

IDRA’s Young Researcher Award
A ‘young researcher’ is defined as someone under the age of 35 on the 1st of January in the year in which the award is made. The first award will be made in 2019.
Every two years, all young researchers will be invited to upload an abstract of 300 words where they summarize their contribution to date in a field (or fields) of drowning prevention, and the impact/potential future use of their work. Candidates are also required to provide a short CV outlining the five contributions (papers, books, book chapters, patents, or other relevant research outputs) that they consider the most important. Nominees do not have to be a member of IDRA.
The abstracts and CVs will be published on the IDRA website and all members will be invited to vote for the candidate who they consider to be the best young researcher. Members cannot vote for a candidate with whom they have a conflict of interest or share any of the research outputs with.
At the conclusion of voting, the three candidates with the most votes will be named as finalists. The finalists will be evaluated by a selection committee comprised of 3-5 people and an overall winner selected . The selection committee will be chaired by a founding member of IDRA.
A supporting document signed by the founders of IDRA and a medal will be awarded.
Letters to
WINNER OF 2019 – Dr Amy Peden has extensive experience in the field of drowning prevention research, policy and practice. She is currently employed as the National Manager – Research and Policy with Royal Life Saving Society – Australia. She has a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Social Policy and Government and International Relations) and a Masters of Public Policy both from Sydney University.