Andrew Short, MA PhD, OAM – Australia

Andrew Short is a surfer and marine scientist specializing in coastal processes and beach dynamics. He has degrees from the University of Sydney, University of Hawaii and Louisiana State University and has worked on the coasts of North and South America, including north Alaska and Hawaii, Europe, Korea, New Zealand and the entire Australian coast. He is presently Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney and University of Wollongong; visiting scientist in the Coastal Oceanography Lab at the Universidade Santa Catarina, Brazil; Senior Coastal Scientist (part-time) with; Chair of National Surfing Reserves (Australia); and serves on the NSW Coastal Panel. He has written 12 books and over 200 scientific publications, may dealing with rip currents and beach hazards.
In 1986 became he began collaborating with Surfing Life Saving NSW, leading in 1990 to the establishment, with Surf Life Saving Australia, of the Australian Beach Safety and Management Program, which ultimately documented every one of Australia’s 12,000 beaches their nature and hazards as well as developing the Beach Hazard Rating (see the IPhone app ‘Beachsafe’). He was awarded the International Lifesaving Medallion in 1994 and 1997 and his extensive contribution to both coastal science and beach safety was recognized in 2010 with an Order of Australia.
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