Cristian Abelairas-Gómez, PhD – Spain

His academic background is rooted in social sciences, albeit with a strong multidisciplinary character. Cristian Abelairas-Gómez is graduated in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, PhD in Social Sciences (Sport Sciences) and Assistant Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
His experience in drowning started after completing the professional lifesaving course (2006), of which he would become teacher afterwards. Nowadays, he is evaluator of Galician lifeguards’ competence (Spain). His research focuses on lifesaving and resuscitation quality. The aims of his PhD were to evaluate the effects of fatigue during a water rescue on CPR quality and the use of rescue material and CPR compression devices after a lifesaving. His research spectrum was broadened to investigate CPR quality under special circumstances, the influence of strength training on the CPR quality and the teaching of basic life support protocols at school.
These activities are held in collaboration with the research groups CLINURSID (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Basic Life Support and Simulation (Health Research Institute of Santiago, Spain) and REMOSS (University of Vigo, Spain).
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