Victoria Laxton, BSc, MSc – United Kingdom

Victoria is a PhD student at Nottingham Trent University, in the United Kingdom. Her research aims to explore the role of lifeguard surveillance, with the aim of testing and training lifeguard visual search skills and understanding experience effects. Victoria’s interest in water safety started at an early age through membership of her local lifesaving club, achieving awards such as the Silver Cross and Bronze medallion. From the lifesaving club, she went on to complete the U.K. pool lifeguarding qualification, working as a lifeguard for a number of years. She also attained her swim teaching and rookie lifeguard instructor qualifications to pass her skills and passion for swimming to others. Victoria has a Master’s in Psychology, where she took an interest in applying her theoretical learning to her interest in lifesaving, completing a project that investigated experience differences in drowning detection. The findings of this project have now been published with Victoria as the lead author. She has also presented her preliminary PhD results at the World Conference on Drowning Prevention in 2017 and at a psychological conference in Germany. She is interested in using applied psychology to understand factors impacting lifeguards.

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