Linda Quan, MD – USA

Linda Quan MD is Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA where she started and was chief of the emergency department for 26 years. She has received federal and foundation funding for her research and projects in prehospital care and drowning prevention involving adolescents, ethnic/racial minorities, and life jacket use. Her research has focused on the epidemiology of drowning, pediatric and drowning resuscitation, resulting in over 85 papers and 16 book chapters. She has worked with the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Heart Association, ILCOR and led statewide drowning prevention programs in Washington State identifying the problem of open water drowning prevention and continues to work on legislative and policy approaches to drowning prevention. She is presently vice-chair of the Scientific Advisory Council of the American Red Cross and a member of its Aquatic subcouncil. She is also a member of the Medical Committee of the International Lifesaving Society, Irish Lifesaving Foundation and WatersafetyUSA. Additional international drowning prevention work includes contributing to the WHO Global Drowning Reports and Swim for Life Vietnam.