Luis M Pascual, Spain

Become Junior Lifeguard at age 12, professional at 17, and advanced Swimming and Rescue Instructor at 20. In 1996 he cofounded ESS, a charitable organisation dedicated to drowning prevention and training lifeguards. Graduated as a Primary School Teacher and in Art&Crafts with a Design specialisation. Currently works as a Project Manager in the corporate identity industry and has ever maintained a strong vocational commitment to lifesaving. Member of the Board of Directors and Research Director of AETSAS, he managed the annual Lifesaving Conferences organized by ESS and AETSAS from 1997 to 2004 and the Spanish International Conference on Drowning (SICOD-2014). Despite not being involved in a traditional academic environment, he has produced significant contributions characterised by their innovative approach and practical application in two key areas: improving lifesaving teaching methodology and rescue techniques, and early drowning detection. He is the first Spanish author of articles on drowning prevention and rescue included in the 2004 and 2014 Edition of the Handbook on Drowning. Since 2011, spearheaded the research project “Drowning in Spain” ( which has already collected over 10 years of data from drowning incidents to boost prevention and awareness about drowning.
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